Thursday, April 01, 2010


My morning reading today included a blog post from my friend Ms Jen about twitter. She mentioned how long she had been on twitter, so I looked up how I compare.

Today marks my 25th month on twitter. According to the Twitter Job Description by Date Joined chart, I am somewhere between a blogger and social media guru. This is my blog, but I am hardly a social media guru.

Why am I on twitter? At first it was to find out when lunch was served at Barcamp LA. Then it became a news source. Then it was free stuff. Later on, I used it to keep track of my social network.

Who do I follow? Friends who are on twitter, lots of Nokia folk, a few actual social media gurus (mainly Los Angeles based ones), a couple of news sources, my favorite food trucks and swag dispensers.

Yes, I do follow a few celebrities. They are my guilty pleasure. They give me stuff like this which make me happy

I don't tend to follow people back unless I met them or at least had a conversation with them. Topify is a great way to sort out if a person is worth following.

Here's a tip for free stuff. Usually free stuff is first tweet first serve. Put the twitter account that is doing the giveaways on sms update. When they send out a tweet, you instantly get a text notifying you when to reply.

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