Saturday, August 04, 2012

Comic-Con 2012 - Day 4 - Saturday

808 Pureview | His and Hers BMO

While Saturday for most attendees is jam packed with excitement, mine was pretty laid back.  My day started with getting in line for the Adventure Time panel.  I managed to get a great view of the stage despite being in the middle of the line.  Before Adventure Time was a panel for After Earth.  When it was revealed M. Night Shyamalan was the director, quite a few members of the audience laughed.  The movie has a great group of writers and producers, so it might not be too bad.  The Adventure Time panel was great.  A bigger post on that is upcoming.

808 Pureview | They Live

I walked the floor for a bit, then headed back to the Wired Cafe and spent most of the afternoon drinking with friends old and new.  When the Wired Cafe closed, I was wiped.  On the way back to the hotel, I saw the History Channel grill and got some free sausage.

808 Pureview | The Engineer from Prometheus

After dropping off my stuff, I went to the hotel's jacuzzi and rested a bit.  There were two open bar parties that started at 6 I never made it to.  I tried to coordinate with my roommates afterwards to get dinner but they were busy.  I wandered the Gaslamp around 9pm and ended up at a hot dog & ice cream shop that had Faygo root beer (the best soda ever).

808 Pureview | At the Youtube party

I did make it to one more party put on by zagat and youtube.  They had board and video games to play.  There was plenty of google swag all over the venue.  They also had a drink called Tony Stark's Downfall.  After getting plastered on those, I went back to the room and crashed.