Saturday, October 30, 2010

Three Clubs

Wednesday night I went to see my friend play a show at a lounge in Hollywood called Three Clubs. It is a dark dark place with a little stage.

Bountiful Hearts
N8 | The Bountiful Hearts

The flash went off for this picture, yet the scene is as dark as I remember. I really like this about the N8.

N8 | Out of Key

This video didn't come out well. I have to remember next time to use the low light mode and to bring my AD-54 for better audio capture.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Suicide House

Suicide House
N8 | Doug Loves Movies

I spent Tuesday Night at the UCB Theater. They had an excellent maze set up that led into the theater. At Comedy Death Ray, I saw guys eat a pumpkin, an f'd up Christmas story and zombie Kanye West in Peace. Afterwards I saw Doug Benson record his podcast.

Good times.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Die Antwoord at Jimmy Kimmel Live

Die Antwoord has taken the internets by storm. I had the chance to see them Wednesday night.

I got there around 5PM. There was only about 10 people in front of me in line. Everyone there was very friendly. The venue had a policy of not allowing cameras in, but cellphones were okay. Not a problem for the N8 I was carrying.

N8 | Ninja crotch

I was lucky enough to get rail. My back was aching from the awkward position I was in to keep that spot. I'm pretty happy with the photos I took from the show. I was close enough to get some really good shots.

Die Antwoord
N8 | Die Antwoord

N8 | Die Antwoord performs Beat Boy

One of the best features of the N8 is the 3G radio. Not only is it pentaband, it is seriously fast. I uploaded the above 8 minute 725MB video in about 90 minutes. That would have taken me over 24 hours via my home internet! The N8 becomes more of a joy to use as days go by.

Check out my flickr set from the show!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Poppin the cherry with Steel Panther

Steel Panther
N8 | Bass and Guitar

I scored tickets to see Steel Panther Monday night. I've been wanting to see them for over 5 years. This was also a opportunity to test out the Nokia N8 in a concert environment.

N8 | hey man nice shot

The above is some video I shot with the N8. The audio didn't come out too well, but I am pleased with the vocals.

Steel Panther
N8 | Bon Jovi shirt

The photos I took have excellent color, but were often blurry. I couldn't use the xenon flash because of all the fog. I think I would have been better off using portrait mode since I was so close.

I do remember having a lot of issues with the touchscreen after unlocking it with the slidelock. I missed a few opportunities to take a shot.

Check out the rest of my photos on flickr

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

VOX Archive: Lunar Eclipse at the Griffith Observatory

This was originally posted to VOX on February 21, 2008. It has been edited around dead links

I spent the evening of February 20th, 2008 at mecca of astronomy, the Griffith Observatory. It was a pretty chilly evening. There were quite a few clouds in the sky. They added a lot of drama, people cheered whenever the moon peeked out from the clouds.

The Los Angeles Astronomical Society and the Los Angeles Sidewalk Astronomers showed up and shared their telescopes. Kudos to them for not only sharing their telescopes, but their knowledge of the skies as well.

I shot some video for QIK where some staffers demonstrated an eclipse mostly for the many children who were in attendance.

Around 7:25 in the evening, we were informed an an extra special treat. A satellite focused its light to form an iridium flare for us.

Later on, I shot some video of Dr. E.C. Krupp, the director of the observatory, dressed up as a wizard to chase away the dragon who was eating the moon.

N95 | Lunar Eclipse at the Griffith Observatory

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Social Artwalk

October 14 was a long day.

It started off with a trip to Universal Citywalk. There's a popcorn place near the entrance that smelled wonderful. I walked down to the cineplex and bught tickets for the social network.

I just ate up this movie. Sorkin's fast dialogue, Fincher's dark visuals and Reznor's score made for a very entertaining movie.

After the movie I walked over to Universal Studios and used my annual pass for the final time. I made my first visit to Shrek 4D. The last time I was in that building, I was competing for the Nintendo World Championship. It is very different now. The Shrek show was a lot of fun, but I was sitting too close to get a good view of the 3D effects.

N82 | Entrance to King Kong

I went on the Studio Tour. I got a terrible spot with a support beam stuck in my arm. The tour guide wasn't too interesting and a lot of shooting took away some locations. The highlight was seeing a bunny. The second highlight was King Kong 360. It was nice to see it from the right side of the tram.

After the Studio Tour, I headed over to see Terminator 2: 3D. I got a really good spot and saw the whole show. Afterwards, I headed outside to the Coke Soak and played with the consoles. I hit some buttons and water would shoot out of something. I noticed a girl examining another console and pressed the button that shoots water at her. I am so evil.

This is my sky
N82 | Afternoon sky from the west end of Universal Studios

I then headed over to the Simpsons Ride. I never knew there were three levels to the building. Most times I went, I got the middle level. On my previous visit, I was sent upstairs. This time I went in via the bottom. The Simpsons Ride is the best part of visiting Universal Studios.

N82 | I got to remember to leave the flash on.

The park closed so I headed downtown for the Artwalk. When I came out of the subway, it was dark and cold and I hadn't brought a jacket with me. Despite this, I stopped at 7-eleven and used a slurpee coupon. I was walking the streets when I saw the Grilled Cheese truck turn a corner. I followed it to a parking lot and saw a bunch of trucks already there. Earlier in the day I saw on twitter that the Baby's Bad Ass Burgers truck would be there, so I waited for them to open. They make amazing sliders served on Hawaiian Bread.

N82 | Scarlet Paradigm

After my meal, I walked around a bit. I saw a band playing in an alley. I thought I recognized the bassist as Bryan Villarin, a guy I met a couple of years ago. I checked his twitter and it was indeed him. I listened to a couple of songs and said hi to him.

N82 | Smokin Willie's bbq food truck

I walked on and saw a cupcake store. They had mini cupcakes for a buck. Yummy. Not too far away was another parking lot full of food trucks. There must have been around 15 trucks, many I had never heard of.

N82 | Lots of trucks, lots of people

I arrived at the Downtown Indie for a movie screening. I had no idea what was playing, I just knew that some old friends of mine would be there. There was a short film about a haunted car that was strange. The main film, Four Boxes, was very interesting. It needs a second viewing. There was an afterparty on the roof. This guy told me about this cool thing he saw at Goodwill. It was a KISS shirt, except under the makeup was Bill Cosby.

Along the walk back to the subway, I saw a third lot full of food trucks and a clown stripper. I love LA.

Monday, October 18, 2010

First day with the N8

The Nokia N8 arrived from the fine folks at WOM World Nokia last Friday. I spent the afternoon on the trails at the Griffith Observatory.

Griffith Observatory
N8 | Griffith Observatory

After filling up the battery, the N8 lasted about 7 hours with an hour of Ovi Maps, and hour of hiking and a couple of hours of downloading and watching videos.

I was impressed with the multitasking abilities of the N8. It ran both Sportstracker and Endomondo without any problems while also running Gravity and taking pics. I find it strange that Sportstracker says I did 2.63 miles while Endomondo says 2.40 miles.

You can check out my Endomondo log here.

You can check out my Sportstracker log here.

Full set from the hike here on flickr.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

October 2: The Blood Arm at Spaceland

N82 | He's quite unpredicatable

The Blood Arm is an amazing band from here in Los Angeles. They played a warmup gig last Saturday at Spaceland in preparation for their European tour in November.

Check out their site at for tour dates.

Fun Fact: I went to high school with the lead singer

My flickr set from the show

Friday, October 01, 2010

VOX Archive: Overturned

This was originally posted to VOX on June 23, 2008

N82 | Overturned

Overturned big rig. South bound traffic was all the way back to Nevada. What I love about geotagging is that I know exactly where this happened.