Monday, July 30, 2012

Comic-Con 2012 - Day 1 - Preview Night

It's been two weeks since Comic-Con and I'm still sick.  And so we begin a recount of my Comic-Con adventures...

808 Pureview | View from my hotel room of the USS Midway

Wednesday morning my train to San Diego was delayed about 20 minutes.  After boarding and finding my seat, I went to the cafe car and spotted Seth Green and his wife Claire Grant.  Since Comic-Con started about a week earlier than usual, there were no drunks on board to visit the Del Mar races.  This didn't stop the train from being standing room only from southern Orange County to downtown San Diego.

808 Pureview | The Manchester Grand Hyatt pool

During the Comic-Con hotel lottery, I ended up with my eighth choice: Manchester Grand Hyatt.  One of my roommates was there early, so he checked in for me.  We ended up with a great room.  There was a pull down bed, a couch, a meeting table, a kitchenette and room for two single beds.  It was right off the elevator and on the same floor as the pool.

808 Pureview | Cartoon Network mural with Finn from Adventure Time at the New Children's Museum

After dropping off my stuff, I headed to Ralphs to pick up groceries.  I initially wanted to go pick up my badge, but I then I thought it would be better to pick it up right before the floor opened.  The nice thing about having a kitchen in your room is being able to buy everything you need for the whole weekend.

808 Pureview | Inside the Sails Pavilion at the San Diego Convention Center

Went back to the room and ate a sandwich.  My roommates watched Toddlers and Tiaras.  I never watched it before.  Holy shit, I couldn't believe these people existed.  After that nonsense, I went to get my badge.  Even though I lost my paperwork, getting my badge was super quick. I went to get in line to get to the floor and ended up cutting the line.  Oops.  Nobody complained though.

808 Pureview | Megazord, coming later this year

808 Pureview | Godzilla wrecks the convention center

808 Pureview | Cave trolls from The Hobbit

808 Pureview | Benson would talk and tell you to stop slacking and go back to work

808 Pureview | Wonder Woman meets the cast from Hotel Transylvania

The floor was a bit overwhelming.  This was my first real outing with my new Nokia 808 Pureview, so I ended up with some blurry photos.  One thing I really love about the 808 Pureview is how fast and easy it is to start the camera.  Lines for exclusives I had targeted were huge.  I did manage to score an action figure set.

808 Pureview | Wall of skulls in extreme low light

After getting my fill of the exhibit hall, I headed back to the Hyatt to drop off my stuff.  I headed to the Gaslamp to visit my favorite bar in San Diego, the Noble Experiment. The drinks are strong and well crafted.  Presentation is a big deal here.  Drinks come in cups or glasses according to their tradition and different kinds of ice are used that suited each drink.

808 Pureview | The most amazing mint tulip, served in a traditional silver cup

The appointment was set for 9:30, but one of my roommates was late and arrived after I had started my second drink. I ordered their Mint Julip, which was amazing.  I was pretty hammered after the second drink.  I think at this point we all went back to the room to sleep.