Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dead Rising 2 Launch Event

A few days ago I attended a Dead Rising 2 launch event. I took my newly repaired N82 to check it out.

N82 | Greene's Hardware store front

Capcom rented out some store space and threw a party there. The wait to get in lasted about 30 minutes. The front of the store was made to look like Greene's Hardware. The walls were covered with sale advertisements. A lot of the weapons were duct taped together. I guess that's a feature in the game.

N82 | Machine gun wheelchair

Walking to the back of the store, I found myself in a warehouse where a party was going on. There were wall to wall game stations set up for people to play the game. There was a DJ and in the back was water and Pepsi. Press and VIPs had access to an open bar. About 30 minutes after I got in, pizza was served. I left early and missed out on free t-shirts.

N82 | Killing zombies

I forgot how great of a camera the N82 is. The N97's flash would often interfere and cause horrid night shots. The N82 made each shot I took amazing. Really looking forward to the N8.

N82 | Football + grenade + duct tape = Hail Mary

The full set can be found here on flickr

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